sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009

22. The Osmonds

The Osmonds are an American family music group with a long and varied career that took them from singing barbershop music as children, to achieving success as teen-music idols, to producing a hit television show, and to continued success as solo and group performers. The Osmonds are devout Mormons, and their religious values have influenced their careers.[1]
The group originally consisted of brothers Alan Osmond, Wayne Osmond, Merrill Osmond, and Jay Osmond. They were later joined by younger siblings Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond, and Jimmy Osmond.
Older brothers George Virl Osmond, Jr. (Virl) and Tom Osmond were born deaf and did not originally perform,[2] although they later made occasional appearances, most notably on the family Christmas specials from the 70s.





marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

21. back to 70's- PUSSYCAT

Pussycat was a Dutch country and pop music group, driven by the three Kowalczyk sisters: Tonny, Betty and Marianne. Other members of the band were Lou Wille, Tonny's husband, Theo Wetzels, Theo Coumans and John Theunissen.
The three girls had been telephone operators in Limburg, whilst Theunissen, Wetzles and Coumans were in a group called Scum. Wille played in a group called Ricky Rendall and His Centurions until he married Tonny, and created the group Sweet Reaction that eventually became known as Pussycat.
In 1975 they scored a big European hit with the song "Mississippi". However they had to wait a further year for the single to make the British charts when it climbed to number one in the UK Singles Chart in October 1976.[ Penned by Theunissen, the septet became the first Dutch act to top the UK chart. It is estimated that "Mississippi" sold over five million copies worldwide. It was later followed by "Smile" in 1976, and "Hey Joe" in 1978. Others hits were "If You Ever Come to Amsterdam", "Georgie", "Wet Day in September" and "My Broken Souvenirs". A stellar European career followed that ultimately, at its peak, spanned ten years and included some seventeen albums. By 1978 Hans Lutjens had replaced Coumans on drums, as the band continued to release albums and tour, travelling as far afield as South Africa.They made regular appearances on the West German TV series, Musikladen, in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
But as the 1980s rolled along, the sisters found it increasingly difficult to finance huge tours with so many musicians, and replaced their backing band with taped music, and thus Pussycat shifted their image one last time. They continued to play and record through the mid 1980s when they finally called it quits.
Tonny, whose own extracurricular activities had commenced back in 1973 with her own single release "For You" (under the alias Sally Lane), proved especially prolific, unleashing a string of albums, of which New Words to an Old Love Song saw her elected Best Female Country Singer of the Year by the Dutch magazine, Country Gazette.

duminică, 8 noiembrie 2009



Se vrea a fi un concert incredibil, cei care sunteti in Romania si sunteti pasionati de astfel de muzica, va rog, nu ratati!!! mi`ar placea sa fiu acolo cu voi...dar pana atunci haide sa ascultam cateva piese.


spiritual front
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Rome 2009 Flowers From Exile
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duminică, 11 octombrie 2009

19. Voca People

The Voca People group consists of five men and three women with amazing voices. They use those voices in a phenomanal a cappella method, creating not just music but vocals that imitate the sounds of drums and other musical instruments, creating an awesome blended sound in a humorous and entertaining way. In other words, they put on a great show for their very appreciative audiences.

luni, 21 septembrie 2009

18.Ambiental- rain orchestra

hope you enjoy it!

luni, 3 august 2009

17- Corvus Corax

Corvus Corax is a German band known for playing medieval music using an abundance of authentic instruments.

Their name is the scientific name for the Common Raven. The band was formed in 1989 by Castus Rabensang, Wim (Venustus) and Meister Selbfried ("Master Selfpeace") in East Germany. The band often uses bagpipesas the solo instrument; their live performances attract attention with the bizarre look of the musicians being reminiscent of ancient Greek myths: half-naked, dressed in unusual clothes, wearing primitive tribal decorations, often tattooed.

Today the band consists of eight members: Ardor vom Venushügel ("Ardor from the pubic mound"), Castus Rabensang ("Castus Ravensong"), Patrick der Kalauer ("Patrick the groaner"), Harmann der Drescher ("Harmann the thresher"), Hatz ("hunt"), Jordon Finus, Teufel ("devil") and Wim (Venustus)

Because medieval music theory was dominated by ecclesiastics, it is often difficult to determine from the extant manuscripts exactly how the secular music of the day sounded. Corvus Corax draws on a number of sources to try to make their music as authentic as possible: they have used documents that "condemn profane music" as an indicator as to what the music might have sounded like, and drawn on nineteenth century scholarly treatises for information (although in many cases these treatises are unreliable, as they impart more nineteenth century interpretations of medieval music than factual information on what the music was like).

But a number of things are known for certain. For example, the profane music of the day was often accompanied by a droning bass tone similar to that generated by thebourdon stop on an organ, which is provided in Corvus Corax's case by the drones on their bagpipes. An inkling as to the harmonies used is found in a song by Walter von der Vogelweide, in which he calls for the song to be played "the old way", meaning harmonising with thirds. At the time, the third was considered an awkward, ugly interval by the sacred musician — like the tritone, or diabolus in musica — but it was a common interval in folk music.

Matters are further complicated by the fact that each minstrel would add his personal interpretation to a piece, and that recorded (i.e. written) versions may differ depending on who did the transcribing, and where. It is on this that Corvus Corax's interpretation hinges: medieval popular music was played more from the heart than the brain, and despite making use of scholarship to give them a grounding, Corvus Corax attempts to maintain the spirited, free manner in which the minstrels themselves would have played the music.

for more informations search Corvus Corax

Corvus Corax - Cantus Buranus
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Corvus Corax - Andro
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Corvus Corax - Rondeau
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Corvus Corax - Platerspiel
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Corvus Corax-sanyogita
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Corvus Corax - Numus
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marți, 21 iulie 2009

15- Faun

Faun is a German pagan folk/darkwave band formed in 2002. The originality of their music style is that they fall back to "old" instruments, and the singing is always the center of attention. The vocals are performed in a variety of languages, including German, Latin, and Scandinavian speeches. Their instrument include celtic harp, Swedish nyckelharpa, hurdy gurdy, bagpipes, cittern, flutes and many others.
The band was founded in 2002 by Oliver "SaTyr" Pade, Elisabeth Pawelke, Fiona Rüggeberg and Birgit Muggenthaler. Two years later, Rüdiger Maul got into the band as percussionist. At the same time, Birgit left the band, to continue her musical life with the folk-rock band Schandmaul. In 2002, they released their first album Zaubersprüche. Niel Mitra was a guest musician on this album, and he later became a full-time member of the band, the only one playing only electronic instruments. Elisabeth Pawelke left Faun in 2008 to focus on her studies in classical song in Basel, Switzerland. She was succeeded by Sandra Elflein.


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marți, 23 iunie 2009

14- declan de Barra

Declan de Barra was born in Waterford, Ireland and has been working as an independent musician since the age of 18. Forced to emigrate to Australia during the 1980s, he quickly entered the Australian music and arts scene, touring the country for a number of years with his group Non-Intentional Lifeform on Dutch label Roadrunner Records.
In 1999 he formed the musical group Clann Zú featuring various musicians from Melbourne’s classical, punk and electronic scenes. Clann Zú released two albums Rua and Black Coats and Bandages on Canadian political label G7 Welcoming Committee, home to writers Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn as well as groups Propagandhi and The (International) Noise Conspiracy.
Following de Barra's return to Ireland in 2002 he quickly became part of the Irish music and film scene. Continuing to perform with Clann Zú on their final tour throughout 2004 in Canada and Australia, he also found the time to perform as a solo artist in Ireland, releasing a debut solo album titled, Song of a Thousand Birds and touring extensively.
de Barra's works tend to be sparse compositions that cross over many musical realms and are focused on his voice. His second album "A Fire to Scare the Sun" was released on Halloween 2008. Once again the artwork for the release was created by de Barra.
ANIMATION Film making has been the natural progression of de Barra's musical pieces and songs. His animations have featured in numerous international film festivals.[1][2][3]
WRITING de Barra has also written a number of episodes of "Funky Fables", a children's animated series for CBBC. In 2008 he wrote two episodes of a half hour children's animated/liveaction series "Roy" to be screened in late 2009 on CBBC.

blackbird song

throw your arms around me

declan de barra
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marți, 16 iunie 2009

13- Tapinarii

dupa o pauza destul de mare, revenim :D cum altfel decat cu tzapinarii :)

Trupa Ţapinarii s-a format în anul 2001. Cosmin Covei făcuse un filmuleţ-portret, avîndu-l ca protagonist pe piticul stripper din 'The office'. A picat examenul, student fiind la Facultatea de Regie a Universităţii Hyperion şi, a fost obligat să facă un film cu Ion Dolănescu. Apoi a fost compusă şi piesa 'Sunt fericit', iar filmuleţul s-a transformat în videoclip muzical. Cenzurat de MCM şi TVR2 la acea vreme, din cauza faptului că protagonistul apărea destul de sumar îmbrăcat, doar în chiloţi, 'Sunt fericit' a avut premiera pe Atomic în noaptea de înviere în 2001. Difuzat de 11 ori doar într-o oră la 'Metropolis', ceea ce a însemnat un record de difuzare, la ceva timp de la premieră videoclipul a avut un mare succes. Aşa că la primul lor concert din august 2001, Ţapinarii au umplut pînă la refuz tot ceea ce era de umplut.

A urmat videoclipul piesei 'Unde eşti', cu o fată supraponderală care cade de pe bloc, iar lansarea primului album a avut loc pe 17 octombrie 2001 în Green Hours. Au mai urmat concerte şi, în noiembrie 2002, s-a lansat albumul 'Idei Preconcepute'. Acesta a fost considerat un album misogin şi a fost dat drept exemplu de Mona Musca pentru campania sa, împotriva violenţei în familie. Numai că ea nu înţelesese că Ţapinarii doar atrăgeau atenţia asupra unui lucru, care nu însemna neapărat că e bine sau rău.

În iunie 2003 s-a lansat videoclipul piesei 'Sfârşit şi început de lume', dar nu a fost foarte difuzat deoarece a fost semnată o exclusivitate cu MTV-ul şi nu s-a putut da în altă parte. Iar MTV-ul nu l-a difuzat decît de vreo două ori. În toamna lui 2003, a apărut şi cel mai nou clip al trupei Ţapinarii pentru piesa 'Embargo pe creier', de pe albumul 'Utopia'. Clipul a fost preluat după filmul de licenţă al lui Cătălin Şaizescu: 'Zâmbiţi, vă rog, că e gratis', cu Ernest Maftei în rolul principal. Videoclipul a fost difuzat de Atomic.

Avanpremiera albumului 'Utopia' a avut loc în Art Jazz club pe 27 septembrie 2003, iar printre invitaţi s-au numărat: Ada Milea, Dani Fat şi Florin Chilian. Lansarea a avut loc pe 8 octombrie, tot în Art Jazz club, dar de data aceasta fără invitaţi. Locaţia a fost plină pînă la refuz. Albumul 'Utopia' a fost epuizat, în mai puţin de o lună.[sursa wikipedia]

unde esti

Tapinarii Unde esti
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Tapinarii - Speranta
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inceput si sfarsit de lume

Tapinarii - Inceput si sfarsit de lume
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embargo pe creier

tapinarii embargo pe creier
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joi, 21 mai 2009


neatza tuturor,

pentru 2 saptamani blogul intra in vacanta...stiu k sunt abia la inceput si`mi si iau "concediu" dar fratilor merg acasa si o sa postez imediat ce ma instalez...
va doresc 2 saptamani linistite !!!

ana :)

miercuri, 20 mai 2009


Grunge (sometimes referred to as the Seattle Sound) is a subgenre of alternative rock that emerged during the mid-1980s in the American state of Washington, particularly in the Seattle area. Inspired by hardcore punk, heavy metal and indie rock, grunge is generally characterized by heavily distorted electric guitars, contrasting song dynamics, and apathetic or angst-filled lyrics. The grunge aesthetic is stripped-down compared to other forms of rock music, and many grunge musicians were noted for their unkempt appearances and rejection of theatrics.
The early grunge movement coalesced around Seattle independent record label Sub Pop in the late 1980s. Grunge became commercially successful in the first half of the 1990s, due mainly to the release of Nirvana's Nevermind and Pearl Jam's Ten. The success of these bands boosted the popularity of alternative rock and made grunge the most popular form of hard rock music at the time. However, many grunge bands were uncomfortable with this popularity. Although most grunge bands had disbanded or faded from view by the late 1990s, their influence continues to impact modern rock music.



All Apologies

In Bloom

Smells like teen spirit

Come as you are

On a plane

Where did you sleep last night


marți, 19 mai 2009

11- psychedelic influences

Psychedelic music is a term that refers to a broad set of popular music styles, genres and scenes, that may include psychedelic rock, psychedelic folk, psychedelic pop, psychedelic soul, psychedelic ambient, psychedelic trance, and others. Psychedelic rock is also commonly called acid rock. Psychedelic music can occur in almost every genre of music, including classical Western art music.
Psychedelic rock is a style of rock music that is inspired or influenced by psychedelic culture, or attempts to replicate the mind-altering experiences of hallucinogenic drugs.[1] It emerged during the mid 1960s among garage and folk rock bands in Britain and the United States. Psychedelic rock bridged the transition from early blues-based rock to progressive rock, art rock, experimental rock and heavy metal; and also drew on non-Western sources such as Indian music's ragas and sitars.

jimi hendrix- angel

the beach boys- good vibrations

the doors- light my fire

pink floyd- welcome to the machine

CAN-bring me coffee or tea

the beatles- strawberry fields forever

black sabbath- iron man


the mars volta-televators

MGMT-time to pretend


luni, 18 mai 2009

10 - so 60s

the righteous brothers- unchained melody

frank sinatra- my way

petula clark- downtown

aretha franklin- RESPECT

elvis presley- suspicious minds

pics: petula clark and the righteous brothers

duminică, 17 mai 2009

09- hard rock

Hard rock or heavy rock is a sub-genre of rock music which has its earliest roots in mid-1960s garage and psychedelic rock and is considerably harder than conventional rock music. It is typified by a heavy use of distorted electric guitars, bass guitar, drums, pianos, and other keyboards.

AC/DC- thunderstruck

12 stones- broken

alice cooper- poison

disturbed- prayer

korn and disturbed- forsaken [queen of the damned OST]

kiss- god gave rock and roll

3 doors down - away from the sun

pics- 3 doors down, 12 stones,

sâmbătă, 16 mai 2009

08- rock- George Roger Waters

George Roger Waters (born 6 September 1943 in Great Bookham, Surrey) is an English rock musician. He is best known as the bass player and one of the main songwriters and lead singers in the English rock band Pink Floyd from 1964 to 1985. Following his split with Pink Floyd in 1985, Waters began a moderately successful solo career, releasing three studio albums, one soundtrack, and staging one of the largest concerts ever, The Wall Concert in Berlin in 1990. In 2005 he released an opera, Ça Ira, and joined Pink Floyd at the Live 8 concert in London for their first public performance with Waters in 24 years.

welcome to the machine


wish you were here

shine on you crazy diamond (part. 1-8)

every strangers eyes

pics: roger waters and pink floyd

vineri, 15 mai 2009


Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 1974 and 1976 in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Rooted in garage rock and other forms of what is now known as protopunk music, punk rock bands eschewed the perceived excesses of mainstream 1970s rock. They created fast, hard-edged music, typically with short songs, stripped-down instrumentation, and often political, anti-establishment lyrics. Punk embraces a DIY (do it yourself) ethic, with many bands self-producing their recordings and distributing them through informal channels.
By late 1976, bands such as the Ramones, in New York City, and the Sex Pistols and The Clash, in London, were recognized as the vanguard of a new musical movement. The following year saw punk rock spreading around the world. Punk quickly, though briefly, became a major cultural phenomenon in the United Kingdom. For the most part, punk took root in local scenes that tended to reject association with the mainstream. An associated punk subculture emerged, expressing youthful rebellion and characterized by distinctive clothing styles and a variety of anti-authoritarian ideologies.
By the beginning of the 1980s, faster, more aggressive styles such as hardcore and Oi! had become the predominant mode of punk rock.

The Clash - Revolution Rock

sex pistols - God save the queen

Nofx - The idiots are taking over

offspring-pretty fly

gogol bordello-start wearing purple -gipsy punk

Green Day - American Idiot

The Ramones - My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down

Rise Against - Paper Wings

pics: Ramones and Sex Pistols

p.S. pe 10 iulie 2009, in TJ's, Newport - concert UK SUBS!!!!

joi, 14 mai 2009

06- folk- joan baez

Joan Chandos Baez (born January 9, 1941 in Staten Island, New York) is a folk singer and songwriter known for her highly individual vocal style.[for more check wikipedia]


portland town

commandante Che Guevarra

diamonds and rust [stiu k a mai fst, dar e de referinta]

las madres cansadas

farewell angelina

el rossinyol


miercuri, 13 mai 2009

05- blues -tracy chapman

the promise

talking about a revolution

fast car

bang bang bang

baby can i hold you

telling stories

marți, 12 mai 2009

04 -jazz

art blakey & the jazz messenge-child's dance

coleman hawkins- carioca

lazy lester- sad city blues

elza soares- mas que nada

to be continued!!!

pic- coleman hawkins

luni, 11 mai 2009

03- la musique parisienne

yves montand- a paris

claude francois- petite mes di cheveux

florent pagny- ma liberte de penser

edith piaf- la vie en rose

michel sardou- la maladie d`amour

ferrat aragon- que serais je sans toi

bourvil- la vie de boheme

guy beart- a amsterdam

few pics:

duminică, 10 mai 2009

02 - medieval

estampie- disse mi


estampie-o fortuna

estampie-seigneurs, sachiez

Estampie - Maugrez touz sainz

Guillaume de Machaut - Virelai


sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009


joan baez - diamonds and rust

janis joplin- ball and chain

the dresden dolls- missed me

kristin hers with michael stipe- your ghost

honey honey-little toy gun

manic street preachers feat nina persson- your love alone is not enough

the rasmus-in the shadows

the cranberries- dreaming my dreams

tracy chapman- fast car

guano apes- rain

bob dylan- north country blues

rolling stones- paint it black

the beatles- i want to hold your hand

Cantec pentru John Lennon

John Lennon-imagine

queen- friends will be friends

dire straits- brothers in arms

pink floyd- shine on you crazy diamond

pic: dresden dolls
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